As a recruiter I view thousands of resumes a week. The most powerful resumes out there have followed these steps to advance their careers. I’m here to spill the tea on how to further your career & the best times to pursue new opportunities, whether it’s within your company or somewhere new.
Blog Posts
Business & Career ResourcesSurviving the Crowded Tech Job Market
Having worked within the IT and Recruitment space, I can tell you that your biggest hurdle is going to be standing out. As a recruiter, any time that I would post a job that’s an IT role, or could be interpreted as such by the job title (e.g., Project Manager), my entire team would receive an absolute onslaught. An onslaught of not only applicants, but relentless calls on our personal numbers, emails, and messages across social media platforms.
The Hidden Costs of Bad Hires: Protecting Your Company’s Future
The greatest risk of a bad hire is possibly their potential to erode a company’s entire brand. Word travels fast in professional circles, and a pattern of poor hiring decisions can make it increasingly difficult to attract top talent. This creates a vicious cycle, where the inability to recruit quality candidates leads to more bad hires, further damaging the company’s reputation as an employer of choice.